Thursday, August 28, 2008

Squirrels and Upgrades!

The squirrels were everywhere this morning. EVERYWHERE!!!

On my short 2.5 mile run, I saw somewhere between 10 - 15 squirrels...many dangerously crossing the road. Most were foraging in the grass and then hopping up to trees. I don't know if you can tell anything from what the winter is supposed to be like from the squirrels, but they were definitely active. I wonder if the squirrels that live in the nicer neighborhoods have nicer nuts. Gourmet nuts... that come already roasted.

And on a complete separate note, I FINALLY upgraded my design programs.

After much frustration on not being able to uninstall CS2 that~ eh hem~ came with the computer, I ended up talking to Adobe Customer Support for an hour as we cleaned out anything CS from my machine. Then low and behold, I was finally able to install CS3. And I've successfully opened Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. We'll just see what bugs I come across tomorrow, all in time for a huge rush project for my infamous Client NoTimeline. Most importantly, begging agencies to save down their files again after I already asked and feeling like I'm a big pest is finally over. Right now the Adobe updater is running, and things like "Patch Device Central" drives keep mounting to my desktop then disappearing. I have faith in the Adobe gods. I'm already for CS4, whenever that one comes out. Bring it. Cha ching.

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