Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

I'm attempting to increase my mileage for the Pig. The "increase" part shouldn't be hard since I was going from sporadic runs of practically nothing! Before the Pig is the Heart Mini 15K (9.3) at the end of March. I've done that race once and it was great. Will be a nice confidence builder for the Pig.

I went a slow, relaxing 5 miles on Valentine's Day... to celebrate my love of running (just kidding). It was a great run - crisp and sunny. It still hurts to breathe deep though. A couple of weeks ago I had a strange kink in my back that escalated to screaming pain and a trip to Urgent Care. So my back/ribs/indeterminable area deep inside my chest was sore again, but it's getting better.

I have no idea what my pace is right now. I'm just trying to get faster. I can't stand running by myself any more and am very determined to be a tolerable pace to run with others!!

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