Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December Challenge: Day 16

Swimming progress! I went 100 yards without stopping 3 times! And I think I breathed properly a few times!

I started with 50 x 10 freestyle. I rested about 45 seconds in between each one. Then I did 100 of  reaching drills (not very successfully I'm afraid... was sharing a lane and I tend to go a bit crooked with that drill). Then 50 elbow drills, again, not too successfully. And then... I did 100 nonstop - x 3! Woot! I don't know how long I rested between them. It was somewhere around 45 - 60 seconds. The last 100 was a bit rough. However, during the 100s, I think I finally got my head in the right position to breath by just turning. There were a few breaths that felt really good. It's such an awkward feeling.

After the pool, I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes. Borrrr-rrriing. Man I hate treadmills. Also, my knee started hurting at 1.5 miles so I stopped and walked the rest. So it hasn't gotten better yet. But I also haven't been on the foam roller. I've been stretching, but not doing my hip stretches. Why? Why haven't I??? Grrr. This was not a happy moment, especially since I spent some time today looking at what races I want to do in 2010.

1000 yards freestyle
150 yards weak-ass drills
1.5 mile running


Mom said...

Sounds like you're doing really good. Again, I admire anyone who can swim. Seems like the best exercise as you use all of the body. Keep up the good work!

Butch said...

I use to, oh many many many many years ago, be able to swim the length of a olympic pool underwater. I was better under than on up where you could breath. Don't know why. Better underwater kick or stroke?

Keep it up, if nothing else, you will be very healthy.